Annoys Me APK v1.0.2.0 (Latest) Free Download for Android

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May 6, 2024
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Annoys Me is the party game for anyone who’s ever wanted to scream into the void about full laundry baskets or telemarketers calling during dinner. Share your hilarious grievances and find out you’re not alone in your annoyance-fueled madness.

Introducing Annoys Me, the Ultimate Pet Peeve Party

The world is a tiny dagger aimed straight at our sanity. From the driver who texts at every light, to the coworker who clips their nails at their desk, to that inexplicably slow walker blocking your path… it seems like life itself is designed to test our patience. But here’s a chance for those frustrations to be laughed at in this celebration of everything that makes us blood boil.

Annoys Me APK Download

Simple, Hilarious, and Deeply Therapeutic

Annoys Me is a card-based party game built on the undeniable truth that we all have pet peeves. Each card presents an annoyance, inviting you to either rant about why it drives you mad or simply nod in silent agreement. Get ready for scenarios like:

  • People who leave the toilet seat up.
  • When a recipe says ‘serves 4’ but only feeds two.
  • Spoiling the ending of a movie or TV show.
  • The friend who’s always ‘running 5 minutes late’ (and it’s 30).

You get the idea – nothing is sacred and no annoyance is too small!

Hilarity Unfolds

Choose your most disgruntled friends then settle down; it’s time to bond over what makes you frown! Here’s how Annoys Me plays out:

  • The Rant Master: One player takes the hot seat as the reader for that round. They draw a card and present their pet peeve to group.
  • Misery Loves Company: This person has been there when someone chews gum like an overzealous cow and they’ve broken out in hives when those shoes with squeaky soles enter earshot.. now it’s their turn to let fly an epic rant about why this particular annoyance deserves its level in Dante’s Inferno.
  • Bonding Over the Absurd: Listen as your fellow players chime in passionately building upon each other’s frustrations. Feel free to get creative with dramatic reenactments or references to historical figures who would also be deeply offended. No annoyance is too small!
  • The Sweet, Sweet Sound of Validation: You’re not crazy about detesting those who leave their shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot! Feel free to commiserate with your fellow players while earning well-won points for each rant.

Why Annoys Me Will Be Your New Favorite Game

This isn’t just about complaining:

  • The Sweet Spot of Relatability: Suddenly, your insistence on loading the dishwasher “the right way” doesn’t seem so crazy when everyone else agrees. So why not check out Oh My Anne? This card game will have you groaning and giggling in equal measure as you swap puns and unexpected word combinations.
  • Permission to Whine: We try to be polite, but Annoys Me is here for you to unleash all your unfiltered irritations.
  • Humor is the Best Medicine: Is your partner chewing too loud? Is your coworker slurping their coffee? Laughter can make these things seem hilarious and bond us closer together.
  • Humor is the Best Medicine: Laughter turns those petty annoyances into hilarious shared experiences.
  • Perspective Boost: Sometimes, hearing yourself rant out loud reveals just how absurd some of those pet peeves can be.

Take Your Grumbling to the Next Level


Ready to unleash your full pet peeve potential? Here’s how to spice up your Annoys Me experience:

  • Theme packs: Attending a baby shower? There’s an Annoys Me: Baby Edition for that! About to visit the in-laws? You better get that suitcase filled with Annoys Me: The Family cards!
  • Defend the indefensible round: Make a case for why your obvious crime is brilliant. Seriously, we want you mad about this one.
  • Make your cards: Blank ones encourage you to write out your most specific grievances. We know it’ll feel great!

The final verdict

Annoys Me isn’t just a game – it’s proof that even life’s tiniest irritations bring big joy when they’re shared with the right person. So if you’re feeling ready for a night of rants, laughs and maybe even some newfound appreciation for the weird little things that make you tick, then let’s dive into this beautifully petty world.



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